Welcome to the postpartum care and recovery information hub.
Here you will learn about how to take care of your postpartum body as it recovers from pregnancy, and how to balance the many aspects of your life.
This is a period of significant change in lifestyle, hormones, social circles, and of course, you have a newborn to attend to. It can be both the best, and toughest period of your life.
Postpartum Recovery Accessories
You may need some extra help holding your body together in those first few weeks.
There are some great little aids and gels that you can tuck in under your clothes that will help do just that!
As you get your strength back and heal you will happily throw all this away. But in the early days, it can be a life saver and really help you enjoy being a Mom.
Postpartum Complications
There are a variety of conditions that you are vulnerable to in the postnatal period.
Here you will find some basic information to help you deal with the most common conditions. However, this is not a substitute for medical advice and you should always be in regular contact with your doctor.
There are a number of postpartum conditions that can have long-term health implications and recognizing the symptoms early is important so you can seek the correct advice and treatment.
- How Long Does Postpartum Depression Last
- Postpartum OCD and Psychosis
- Postpartum Insomnia
- Postpartum Rash
- What is Postpartum Preeclampsia
- Postpartum Edema
- Postpartum Acne
- Postpartum Night Sweats
- Postpartum Joint Pain
- Postpartum Gas and Bloating
- Postpartum Anemia
Postpartum Recovery
The road to recovery can be a long one. There are very few shortcuts, but there are ways to increase comfort levels.
It is also very important to avoid anything that could set back your recovery.
Here we will outline all the ways you can care for your mind, body, and soul as you get back to your old self.